Indefinite Articles | Definite Articles | Subject Pronouns | Verb "SER" | Endings |
What is "a" or "an"
What is an indefinite article in English?
What is "the"
What is the definite article in English?
What is "tu"
Translate into Spanish: you informal
What is "to be"
What does SER mean in English
What is "buenos"
Put the word in parenthesis in its correct form: libros ________ (bueno)
What is "un" and "una"
How do we say "a" or "an" in Spanish
What is "el, la, los and las"
How do we say "the" in Spanish? Name all the possible answers.
What is "el (with an accent mark)"
Translate into Spanish: he
What is "soy"
What is the form of SER for "yo"?
What is "altas"
Put the word in parenthesis in its correct form: chicas _________ (alto)
What is "unos" and "unas"
How do we say "some" or "a few" in Spanish?
What is "el"
Translate into Spanish: the boy - ______ chico
What is "ustedes"
Translate into Spanish: you all (Latin America)
What is "son"
What is the form of SER for "ellos"?
What is "populares"
Put the word in parenthesis in its correct form: chicos ____________ (popular)
What is "una"
Translate into Spanish: a girl - ______ chica
What is "las"
Translate into Spanish: the apples - ______ manzanas
What is "nosotros"
Use a subject pronoun instead of: Mario y yo
What is "es"
What is the form of SER for "ella"?
What is "inetresante"
Put the word in parenthesis in its correct form: clase ____________ (interesante)
What is "unas"
Translate into Spanish: some clases - ______ clases
What is "los"
Translate into Spanish: the days - ______ dias
What is "ellos"
Use a subject pronoun instead of: John y Paul
What is "somos"
What is the form of SER for "Mario y yo"?
What is "aburridas"
Put the word in parenthesis in its correct form: clases __________ (aburrido)