General Art | Elements of Art | Space and Shapes | Perspective | Color and Value |
What is Art History
The study of art created in different times and cultures.
What is Line
The path of a moving point through space.
What is Geometric
Shapes that are mathematical or man-made.
What is Background
The area in a work of art that is farthest from the viewer.
What is Intermediate
Colors created by mixing a primary and secondary color.
What is Still Life
An artwork showing an arrangement of objects that cannot move on their own.
What is Shape.
A two-dimensional area that is defined in some way.
What is Organic
Shapes that are derived from nature.
What is Foreground
The area in a work of art that is closest to the viewer.
What is Hue
Color in its purest form.
What is Landscape
A drawing or painting that shows outdoor scenery such as trees, lakes, mountains, and fields.
What is Color
Derived from reflected light.
What is Positive
The space used by the main subject in a composition.
What is Two Point
The type of perspective used when there are two vanishing points and no horizontal lines.
What is Stippling
Method of creating value using layers of dots.
What is Collage
Artwork created by gluing various materials onto a surface.
What is Value
The darkness or lightness of an object.
What is Negative
The space around the main subject in a composition.
What is Eye Level
The height of the artist's eye from the ground.
What is Analogous
Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
What is Sculpture
The art of making 3 dimensional art usually from stone, wood, metal, and/or plaster.
What is Texture
Refers to how things feel or look as if they would feel if touched.
What is Vertical
Type of line that communicates a sense of stability.
What is Linear Perspective
A mathematical system used to create an illusion of depth on a flat surface using lines that converge at vanishing points.
What is Cool
Colors that create a calm, relaxed feeling.