Elements of Art | Perspective | Random | Shading | Line |
Geometric shapes
Shapes made by mathematical formulas.
Horizon line
An imaginary line in a drawing which is level to the artist's eyes is known as:____________
Focal point or center of interest
What your eye focuses on first in a work of art.
The area on an object that receives the greatest amount of light.
An element of art that can be thick, thin, curved, diagonal, jagged, etc.
Shapes are two dimensional and forms are three dimensional.
What is the difference between shape and form?
Part of the picture plane that appears closest to the viewer. It is usually at the bottom of the picture plane.
Grid method
A drawing method that allows you to enlarge or reduce the size of your drawing.
Reflected light
The light that bounces off the table and onto the underside of a sphere is known as
Vertical line
A line that expresses stability, dignity, poise, stiffness and formality.
The roughness or smoothness of a surface
Middle ground
An area in a picture between the foreground and the background.
Rule of Thirds
The method of dividing the picture plane up both horizontally and vertically by thirds to locate a strong focal point and establish an asymmetrical composition.
cast shadow
The dark tones resulting from the blocking of light rays by a solid object is called
Horizontal line
A line that expresses a feeling of peace, rest, quiet and stability.
Negative space
Empty space surrounding shapes and/or forms
Part of the picture plane that seems to be farthest from the viewer.
Showing gradations of lightness and darkness in a drawing by darkening areas that would be shadowed, and leaving other areas light, to create a feeling of depth.
This type of shading uses the tip of your pencil to draw vertical and horizontal lines that overlap to create light and dark values.
Contour line
The outside line of a shape or form, and includes surface details is called
Free-form or organic shapes or forms
Irregular or uneven shapes or forms. These can be found in nature
Overlapping shapes
Establishing believable space and relationships between objects in a composition is accomplished by this.
The way the principles of art are arranged to organize the elements of art.
This type of shading uses small controlled dots to create value in a drawing, the closer the dots, the darker the value.
Linear perspective
This is constructed with a horizon line, vanishing points, and receding lines and is used to show depth in drawings.