Flags | Tourist Destinations of the World | Foods of the world | Countries | Languages |
What is India?
Which country's flag has a 24-spoke wheel in the middle?
What is the Taj Mahal?
What was built by the shah in India to honor his favourite wife?
What is Sushi?
What is the Japanese dish made from raw fish?
What is Australia?
What country is also a continent?
What is Mandarin?
What is the most widely spoken language in the world, apart from English?
What is Germany?
Which country's flag is made up with three coloured stripes: black, red and yellow?
What is Mount Everest?
What is the highest point in the world?
What is French Toast?
What breakfast dish is bread soaked in eggs and milk?
What is Greece?
In which country did the musical 'Mamma Mia' take place in?
What is French?
What is considered the language of love?
What is the Maple Leaf?
What leaf does the Canadian flag have in its center?
What is The Statue of Liberty?
What sculpture was given to the United States as a commemoration of French-US relations?
What is Lechon/suckling pig?
What is the name of the pork dish famous in Spain, Portugal and the Phillipines?
What is Italy?
Which country is said to be shaped like a boot?
What is the letter 'E'?
What is the most common letter in the English language?
What is Nepal?
Which country's flag is the only one without 4 sides?
What is The Abu Simbel Temple?
Which structure partially collapsed due to the rising waters of the nile river?
What is Pizza- The Deep Dish?
What Italian dish has become a speciality in Chicago, US?
What is Thailand?
Which country is said to be shaped like an elephants head?
What are English and French?
What are the two official languages of Canada?
What is Denmark?
Which country has the oldest flag in the world?
What is Petra?
What is the official name of the archaeological site in Jordan's southwestern desert nicknamed "the Rose City"?
What is Poutine?
What dish with fries is Canada known for?
What is Vatican City?
Which is the worlds smallest fully independent nation?
What is Dude/Man?
What does the British slang term 'bloke' stand for?