US History | Indian Subcontinent | South America | Oceania and The Poles | Miscellaneous |
New York
What was the first US capital?
Alexander the Great
Which Greek leader captured part of India?
La Paz and Sucre
What are Bolivia's 2 capitals alphabetically?
A prison
What did the British use colonized Australia as?
The Treaty of Paris
What was the treaty ending the American Revolutionary War called?
Apollo 11
What Apollo mission landed on the moon first?
How much of the world's spices come from India?
Rio de Janeiro Harbor
What is the Natural Wonder of the World in South America?
Roald Amundsen
Which explorer was the first to reach the South Pole?
United Arab Emirates
What does UAE, as in the Middle Eastern nation, stand for?
USS Constitiution
Which US Navy ship from the Revolutionary War now still sits in the Atlantic?
What is the old name for Sri Lanka?
What big city in Brazil is called the rainforest city?
Northern Lights
What is a Natural Wonder of the World at one of the poles?
What year did Britian observe as American Independance?
What is the name of the Native American tribe that lived in now-Utah
1.27 million square miles
What is India's current area?
An airplane
What is Brazilia shaped like?
What country wants most of the North Pole, though lots of it is Russia's?
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
What is the official name for North Korea?
For fear of British capturing
Why did Russia give Alaska to the US for 5¢/acre?
238 million
What was the total Indian population in 1901? Now it is over 1.2 BILLION!
The River of January
What does Rio de Janeiro mean in English?
January 26
What day is Australia Day, or Independance Day?
September 7th
What is Brazilian Independance Day?