What do you call the individual who is in charge of the HARM office?
AF IMT 1042
What form is used to document flight PHAs?
Which AFI would you find the requirements for the basic and advanced parachutist badges?
Who must approve the use of locally developed task IDs?
Every quarter
IAW AFI 11–421, how often must the HARM office request an EVR from the finance office?
How many ARMS modules are there?
5 years
How long is the original altitude chamber training valid?
1. Static Line Jumpmaster
2. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster
List the two types of jumpmaster qualifications a parachutist may hold?
The training instructor
Who must certify the AF IMT 1522 when the training was conducted by an outside agency?
The Crosstab
What type of display arranges items in a matrix of rows and columns?
AF Form 3215
What form is used when suggesting system changes to ARMS?
180 days
How long can you suspend a member without MAJCOM/A3T approval?
The date the member met all the requirements listed in AFI 11-402.
What date would you use to award the basic parachutist badge?
1. PCS move
2. Non-flying TDY 3. DNIF 4. Emergency Leave
List the different instances when proration is authorized?
The Formats Tab
Which default option allows you to set the default formats for the data, headings, sheet title, total,
and exception in your worksheet? |
What Air Force Instruction series number pertains to flying operations?
Pilot, Observer, Flight Surgeon, ABM & Combat Systems Officer (CSO)
What are the 5 rated specialties in the United States Air Force?
1. Unit Manpower Document (UMD)
2. Joint Manning Document (JMD)
Which two documents reflect the number of individuals authorized to perform parachute duty in an organization?
Primary, Secondary, Instructor, Evaluator and Other
Lists all the flight time categories?
Conditional CEFIP
What is the flying incentive pay for a CEA who failed to meet the minimum gate requirements?
Telephone, Radio Communications & Physical Environment
What are the 3 broad catergories of exploitable operations security vulnerabilities?
FEB--Voluntary Disqual--Fear of Flying--Substantiated Drug Abuse--Failure to maintain Professional Standards--
Name 3 of the permanent disqualifications from aviation service?
1. AF Form 4323, ARMS Multi-Crew Jump Record
2. AF IMT 922, Individual Jump Record
What two forms serve as official source documents for recording and inputting operational or
training jump information into ARMS? |
AFI 11–202, Volume 2.
Which AFI contains procedures for establishing a FCIF library?
72 @ 10 yr gate
108 @ 15 yr gate 168 @ 20 yr gate
How many months of OFDA must a CEA have at the 10-15-20 year gates?