Juan Peron | US Intervention |
hope; descamisados
Evita became a symbol of ____ for to the ______.
US did not like that Argentina was pro-_____.
military coups
When Peron was exiled, _____ _____ came into power.
They supplied military aid to the Argentinean government.
What was US's role in the Dirty War?
He was controlling the press and contrasted with the people's democratic beliefs.
Why were the people mad at Peron?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was the US president when Argentina became apart of the Allies?
radios; press; public speeches
Peron got public support through _____, ______, and _____ ______.
Did the US provide military support to Argentina when Argentina supported Germany?
What year did Evita die?
January 26, 1944
What day did Argentina break away from the Axis Powers?