The Call Gurus | Archenia | Know your staff |
What is The Call Gurus Address
Avenida de las Americas 1250
Zapopan, Jalisco |
What is Archenia´s 5 rules?
1- Be on time
2- Communication 3- 90 sec calls 4- Control 5- QA |
What is our CEO's full name
Travis Drake Proutry
What is the time limit to jump in the call?
Up to 6 seconds after the intro recording is done.
What is our COO's full name
Lindsay Munoz
What are all the Pest Control buyers?
Orkin, Terminix and several other small local companies.
What is Bear's favorite game?
War Hammer, he kicks ass and enjoy going to tournaments every 3 months, can't stop talking about it, it was mentioned in our anniversary activity.
What is our CHRO's full name
Lorena García
What are the total agents of Archenia Camp?
40 and growing!
What is the time The Call Gurus has been operating?
5 years and counting!
What is Quality Assurance (QA)?
The most important aspect and metric agents need to take in consideration to master and dominate to be able to operate in Archenia.