
European Rivalries New England Colonial Economics British Colonies in the 18th Century Resistance to Europeans
What is immigration (including women)?
This one factor, more than any other, gave the English the advantage over other European colonizers
What is Puritanism?
The dominant religion of the region.
What was indentured servitude OR the Headright System?
African slavery replaced this labor system in the Chesapeake colonies.
What is the Enlightenment?
Political thought in the colonies was greatly influenced by this intellectual movement.
What is the Powhatan War?
Native American efforts to expel the Jamestown settlers in 1622.
What are the Beaver Wars?
Conflicts over the fur trade between 1640 and 1701 were known as this.
What is trade/commerce?
The primary economic activity of the region.
What was cereal crops or grains?
The primary export of the Middle Colonies.
What is the Great Awakening?
This religious movement promoted intellectual exchange among diverse groups.
What is the Pueblo Revolt?
Conflict between the Spanish and Native Americans New Mexico in 1680.
What is the Seven Years' War?
The French and Indian War was part of this larger conflict.
What was Rhode Island?
The most religiously tolerant colony in New England.
What is salutary neglect?
A term historians use to refer to the lack of enforcement of the Navigation Acts.
What is evangelism?
The term for the spreading of Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness.
What are maroons?
The term for communities of runaway slaves.
What were Asientos?
These special licenses issued by the Spanish internationalized the African slave trade.
What is King Philip's War or Metacom's War?
This war ended the alliance with the Wampanoag and any significant resistance by local tribes.
What is mercantilism?
All the European powers employed this economic system to gain wealth from their colonies.
What is German?
Largest immigrant group aside from those from the British Isles.
What is the Stono Rebellion?
Slave rebellion in South Carolina in 1739.
Who are the Algonquians?
In the fur trade, the French allied with this group of Native Americans.
Who was John Winthrop?
This Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony called Boston "a city upon a hill" in his sermon, "A model of Christian Charity."
What is external competition OR smuggling?
The primary reason Britain had difficulty enforcing the Navigation Acts and collecting duties (taxes).
What is print culture?
The spread of ideas through the written word is known as this.
Who are the Narragansett?
This New England tribe remained neutral in any conflicts with Puritans until they were attacked without cause during King Philip's War.
Who is John Rolfe?
He saved the colony from failure by growing the first successful tobacco crop AND he married Pocahontas.

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