5s | Waste | Kaizen | OE Culture |
Set Shine Standardize Sustain
Name the 5s's
Searching for supplies, or looking for an open donor bed is what type of waste?
Voice of Customer
What does VOC stand for
Operational Excellence
What does OE stand for
What is the 6th S
What is the best way to identify waste within a process?
Measure steps, and distance
Why would you complete a spaghetti diagram?
5s is ____________ Responsibility
Exam Rooms MH area Donor Floor Sample Prep Freezer Storage Room
Name all areas in the center that have a 5s scorecard
Air containimated Unit is what type of waste?
KAI- Take Part
ZEN- Make Better Continuous Improvement
What does Kaizen stand for?
Value Stream Map
What does VSM stand for
Monthly, by the 18th
How often do you need to score the areas, and by what date?
Unnecessary Processing
Processing an ineligible donor is an exaple of what type of waste?
Why do we complete the 5 whys?
Identify Root Cause
Sort items not needed in the area
What is the main purpose of the red tag area?
Visual Scan Sheet
What does VSS
Overproduction Waiting Transport Inventory Unnecessary Processing Defects
Name the 7 types of waste?
I- inputs P- process O-outputs C- customer
What does SIPOC stand for
M-measure A-analyze I-improve C-control
What does DMAIC stand for?