"After" Class Rain Showers Spring Is In Full Swing Weird but True Weather April Facts
What is afterlife?

In 2021, a Pew Research Center survey found that 73% of Americans believed in heaven.
This is a state or place that followers of many religions believe people reach after death.
What is true?

When raindrops form in the atmosphere, they are spherical, but air pressure flattens the bottom as they fall.
True or False. Raindrops are not teardrop-shaped.
What is spring chicken?

When you're healthy & fit, you feel like a spring chicken regardless of your age.
This is a term for a young person in poultry lingo.
What is a tornado?

Tornadic winds can howl & blow at up to 300 miles per hour. While they are usually short-lived, sometimes they last for hours. It doesn't take more than a few seconds for a tornado to leave a path of utter destruction.
This funnel-shaped phenomenon blows through its path with fury.
What is baseball?

Opening day for MLB & most of the American minor leagues, is typically the last week of March or the first week of April.
This professional sport begins its season in April.
What is aftertaste?

Today's artificial & natural sweeteners have come a long way since they were first introduced. In fact, some leave no aftertaste at all. When you do have an aftertaste from a sweetener, it has activated your bitter taste receptors.
This is the flavor left in your mouth after consuming a food or condiment, such as an artificial sweetener.
What is snow and ice?

Precipitation is when water droplets fall from the sky.
Rain is a type of precipitation. Name 2 other types of precipitation.
What is daylight saving time?

Daylight saving time begins each year on the second Sunday in March.
We switch to this time in meteorological spring.
What is hail?

When an upward draft carries raindrops into the cold part of the atmosphere, they freeze into spheres the size of golf balls. Sometimes they grow to the size of a baseball.
This is the meteorological term for precipitation in the form of solid balls of ice.
What is true?

It's named this because of the pink flowers (Moss phlox) that bloom in North America during this time of year.
True or False. April's full moon is known as the Pink Moon.
What are aftershocks?

A displaced fault line from an earthquake can cause aftershocks for months.
After an earthquake, there are likely to be several of these.
What is false?

If the air is very dry, raindrops can evaporate during their ascent toward the earth's surface, so in terms of sensible weather, it would just be cloudy.
True or False. Rain always reaches the ground.
What is spring?

The first day of spring is the vernal equinox.
Vernal means of this season.
What is avalanche?

It's caused by a part of the slope, hill or mountain becoming unstable, often after a heavy rain or snowfall.
This specific kind of landslides is defined as "a mass of material, such as snow, rock or other debris, moving rapidly down a slope."
What is October?

In the Southern Hemisphere, April is an autumn month.
In the Southern Hemisphere, April seasonally resembles this month in the Northern Hemisphere.

a. October
b. November
c. September
What is aftershave?

The fragrance is secondary. Its intent is to sanitize & soothe the skin.
Women wear perfume & men wear cologne or this.
What is 2 minutes?

If we assume the clouds are located at an altitude of 2,500 feet & rain descends at an average speed of 14 mph, that means according to data it would take a raindrop just over 2 minutes to reach the surface.
It takes this amount of time for a raindrop to reach the ground.

a. 30 seconds
b. 2 minutes
c. 5 minutes
What is the equator?

On the first day of spring, we get approximately 12 hours of sunlight & 12 hours of darkness.
The sun is directly above this on the first day of spring.
What are water droplets?

Raindrops scatter the light that hits the water.
Clouds get their color from these.
What is true?

This is because it is the only planet known to have liquid water in its atmosphere and direct sunlight. April is a good time to see rainbows.
True or False. Earth is the only planet in the solar system where rainbows occur.
What is aftershave?

For example, one of the aftermaths of hurricanes is that some people lose their homes.
This is another word for a consequence.
What is true?

About 1,000 inches of rain fell in an Indian village in 1985, the most rainfall the village has ever received in a calendar year.
True or False. The rainiest place in the world is in India.
What is Lent?

By the 15th century, it was called springtime; in the 16th century, it was shortened to spring.
Spring was originally called this.
What is light?

The water acts as a prism to refract (or bend) light & produce a rainbow.
Rainbows require this in addition to rain to exist.
What is true?

The general belief is that it refers to trees & flowers "opening" or blooming.
True or False. The name "April" comes from a Latin word, which translates as "to open

April 2025

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