Vocabulary | Approaches to Psychology | The Field of Psychology | Methods of Psychology | Stump's Stumpers |
What is Psychology
The scientific study of mental processes and behavior.
What is Sociocultural
Approach that views behavior as strongly influenced by the rules and expectations of specific social groups or cultures.
What is Aristotle
This figure taught that the highest form of thinking and reasoning took place in the heart.
What is Survey/Interview
A method of research that involves asking subjects questions about their feelings, opinions, or behavioral patterns.
What is Introspection
The process of looking into yourself and describing what is there.
What is Sample
A group that represents a larger group.
What is Biopsychological
Approach that views behavior as strongly influenced by physiological functions.
What is Charles Darwin
This figure inspired scientists to study animals in an attempt to understand humans better.
What is Independent Variable
The factor that the experimenter manipulates or changes in a study.
What is Carl Rogers
Psychologist who believed that all humans have the potential and tendency to become great and achieve self-actualization.
What is Hypothesis
A statement of the results that the experimenter expects.
What is Psychoanalytic
Approach that views personality as based on impulses and needs in the unconscious.
What is Sigmund Freud
This psychologist began the psychoanalytic approach of analyzing a patient’s hidden impulses with the help of a therapist.
What is Control Group
The group that does not participate in the critical part of the experiment and may receive a placebo.
What is Applied Psychologists
Clinical psychologist and therapist are possible careers for this type of psychologist.
What is Theory
A general framework for scientific study.
What is Behavioral
Approach that views human actions as the product of learning and associations.
What is B.F. Skinner
This psychologist focused on observable behavior and believed humans are shaped by their environments.
What is Double-Blind Study
A study during which neither participants nor researchers know to which group any subject belongs.
What is Eclecticism
The process of making your own system by borrowing from two or more other systems.
What is Placebo
A “medicine” that has no active ingredients and works by the power of suggestion.
What is Cognitive
Approach that emphasizes how humans use mental processes to handle problems or develop certain personality characteristics.
What is John B. Watson
This psychologist studied the impact of learning on human emotion and believed that structured teaching could prevent most psychological problems.
What is Longitudinal Study
Method of studying how specific individuals change and develop over an extended period of time.
What is Decline participation, honesty, confidentiality, inform participants of risks
The four ethical principles of experimentation.