Basic Concepts Licensing Super Techy Application Stuff Lesser known extensions Super Nerdy Application Stuff
What is an App Store?
The most secure and convenient place to buy new applications.
What are the minimum system requirements?
Check these specifications before installing a new piece of software on your computer.
What are drivers?
These tiny pieces of software are designed to allow third party hardware to talk to the Operating System.
What is .aac or .m4a?
This file format was designed to replace .mp3
What is the printer manufacturer's website?
When your printer requires a driver you should check here.
What is freeware?
This is the category of apps that you do not have to pay to use.
What is an End User License Agreement?
You agree to this contract when installing new software, abbreviated as EULA.
What is Productivity Software?
This category of sofware allows you to do work such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presenatations.
What is .app?
This is the file extension for applications on a Mac.
What is Control Panel?
Where you go in the Windows OS to remove applications.
What is the operating system?
This is the software that applications talk directly to inside the computer.
What is a site license?
This license permits an organization to install the application on an agreed upon number of PCs on their campus.
What is at least once a week?
How often you should update antivirus definitions.
What is .iso?
This is the file extension for CDs, DVDs, and BlueRay files.
What is drag the application to the trash?
The method for uninstalling applications on MacOS
What is the file extension?
This is the part of a file name that tells the OS which application to open the file with
What is the product key?
This piece of information is required to activate commercial software.
What is the firewall?
When an application needs constant internet access to work, this security feature may interfere with the software.
What is .tiff?
This image file extension produces the highest quality image files.
What is in the box or in your email?
One of the two locations you should look for the product key on a new piece of software.
What is eight?
The number of characters the filename was limited to under the old FAT file system.
What is open source software?
This type of software is created in shared communities, and any software developer can change or add to the code.
What are Operating System and hardware requirements (processor, RAM, storage space)?
These two factors matter most when thinking about software compatibility.
What is .dmg?
On MacOS, this is the file extension for Disk Image files.
What is delete it without opening it?
What you should do if you receive an email with an unknown application in it.

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