Apologetics Life Without God Big Bang & Evolution Bible Trivia Patristics Liturgy
The branch of theology that is concerned with defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrines.
Define Apologetics.
An Atheist is a person who disbelieves in the existence of God.
What does the term "Atheist" mean?
The Big Bang theory claims to be the "origin" of the universe, not God.
What is the main claim of the Big Bang theory regarding the origin of the universe?
How many people were saved on the ark?
Who would be considered the opposite of Saint Mary in the old testament?
The work of the people.
What does the word Liturgy mean?
Scripture and science come from God, and have always gone hand in hand.
What is the Christian View of the relationship between scripture and science?
Humans are the only creatures that ask "why", while other animals are guided by instincts.
What sets humans apart from other animals?
Due to Natural Selection, organisms
with advantageous traits will have a
greater probability of success in
What is the theory of Heritability?
A severe, seven-year famine.
What catastrophe did Joseph predict by interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream?
Saint Cyril and Saint Athanasius
Who were the Alexandrian Fathers?
The Liturgy of the Faithful.
What stage of the Liturgy does the Eucharist take place?
The primary goal is to defend the faith with preparation, wisdom, and Christian love, rather than to offend others.
What is the primary goal of engaging in apologetics discussions?
Religious involvement is associated with lower suicide rates, as evidenced by studies showing that people with higher levels of religious participation are at a decreased risk of suicide.
What significance does religious involvement have on suicide rates?
Based on his observation of the "Red Shift," Edwin Hubble concluded that distant galaxies are moving away from us, indicating that the universe is expanding.
What did Edwin Hubble conclude based on his observation of the "Red Shift" phenomenon in distant galaxies?
Who took Judas’s place among the twelve?
How can this be, since I do not know a man? (Luke 1:34)
What was the first question Saint Mary asked when the Archangel Gabriel brought her the good news?
Represents the blood and water that came from the side of the Lord when the soldier pierced Him with the spear.
Why does the priest put water in the chalice?
Without God, individuals may question the ultimate significance and direction of their existence, as their lives may seem devoid of purpose or intrinsic value.
How does the absence of God impact the perceived significance of an individual's existence, as discussed in the material?
The theory of Evolution
implies that the Origin of Life is a
single cell.

That cell came into existence by forces
of nature. There is no creator.
What does the Theory of Evolution suggest about how the origin of life came to be?
Jar of expensive perfume
What did the woman pour on Jesus’ feet at the home of Simon the Leper?
Fill in the blank: Saint John Chrysostom said this about giving, "Not to share one's possessions with the poor is _____.
The knife that Abraham took out to slay his son Isaac.
What does the veil tucked in the priest's sleeve represent?
ohn A. Bloom advises that taking terms too literally may convey more than or even the opposite of what the author intended.
What cautionary advice does John A. Bloom offer regarding the interpretation of scripture?
Belief in God provides a framework for understanding life's ultimate meaning, objective value, and fundamental purpose, offering individuals a sense of direction and significance in their existence.
In what ways does belief in God contribute to the perception of meaning, value, and purpose in life?
Genesis 1:1, stating, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
What biblical verse supports the idea that the Big Bang theory is not in opposition to religious beliefs?
How many Philistines did Samson slay with a jaw bone?
Father and Son of the "Same Essence"
What is Homo-ousios?
Change of Substance (the elements are no longer bread and wine, they are physically changed into flesh and blood). The church refuses to use this term since it is a mystery and cannot be explained.
What is transubstantiation, and what is the church's view on it?


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