VOCABULARY | Slaves,States and Abolitionists | Slave lives |
Who are saltwater slaves
Slaves transported from africa; almost invariably black
What is 35 percent
the percentage of slaves that took up the population in Brazil
What is corn
crop that the slaves on plantations help grow: also known as maize
What is The Middle Passage
Slave voyage from Africa to the Americas. Generally a traumatic expirience for slaves but it didnt strip them from their culture
What is the 16th throught 1th century
the time periods in which the middle passage took place
What is the triangular trade
commerce linking Africa, the New world colonies, and Europe; slaves carried to America for sugar and tobacco transported to Europe
What is Obeah
African religious ideas and practices in the English and French Caribbean islandss
Who are mulattos
The nickname for slaves who where mixed with Black and white by sexual exploatations of slave women and other forms of miscegenation *Hint* it is not creole slaves
What is Suriname
formally a dutch plantation colony on the coast of South America; location of runaway slave kingdom in 18th century
Who are Fulani
pastoral people of western Sudan
What is Lesotho
Southern African state that survived Mfecane
Who are slaves
In American Slaves societies these people were at the bottom of the hierarchy
Who is Osei Tutu
Member of Oyoko clan of Akan peoples in gold coast reigon of Africa
Who is William Wilberforce
British statesmen and reformer: leader of the abolitionist movement on the English parliament
Who are free whites
In American slaves societies these people were at the top of the hierarchy