Personality | Psychological Disorders | Psychological Research | Nature, Nurture, Human Diversity | Learning |
What is the collective unconscious?
Carl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species' history.
What is OCD?
This is an anxiety disorder characterized by repetitive and unwanted thoughts and actions.
What is an adaptation?
A response to a specific stimulus that solves a specific problem in evolutionary history.
What is culture?
This term describes the behaviors, attitudes, ideas, and traditions of a group of people.
What is operant conditioning?
This is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement and diminished if followed by a punishment.
Who is Abraham Maslow?
He proposed that we are motivated by a hierarchy of needs.
What is PTSD?
This disorder is cause entirely by a traumatic event.
What is Naturalistic Observation?
This descriptive research involves watching and recording the behavior of organisms in their natural habitat.
Who is Pavlov?
The researcher who studies the influence of conditioned stimuli.
What is 0-18 months?
The age range of the oral change.
What is Depression?
This is associated with low-self esteem, learned helplessness, and rumination.
Who is Wilhelm Wundt?
He established the first psychological laboratory at the university of Leipzig, Germany.
What is associative learning?
Learning that certain events occur together.
What is projection?
A defense mechanism by which people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others.
What is Antisocial Personality Disorder?
This disorder causes the person to feel little to no emotion and other bad social actions.
What is correlational research?
This research shows a relationship between two variables.
What is spontaneous recovery?
This is the reappearance of a weakened CR after a pause.
What are defense mechanisms?
In psychoanalytic theory, the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.
What is General Anxiety Disorder?
This is an anxiety disorder in which a person is unexplainably and continually tense and uneasy.