Aproaches and Techniques | Psychoanalytic | Conditioning | Biomedical | Miscellaneous |
What is borrows techniques from multiple approaches
What is Psychoanalytic
It focuses on family of Origins
What is behavior is learned and can be unlearned, creates new associations
Classical Conditioning
What is Electroconvulsive Therapy
"Last Resort", used for serious depression, induce mini seizure to help rejuvenate a dormant part of the brain (often does not work)
What is Systematic Desensitization
Slowly becoming more comfortable, a little bit at a time
What is positive self afirmations; thoughts
What is Free Association
Openly speaking about your problems
What is Token Economy
Rewards given overtime to be soon exchanged fora greater reward
What is used in ECT
Magnetic Impulses
What is Client-Centered Therapy
Non-directive therapy, genuiness, acceptance, empathy
What is validating, identifying strenghts
What is Resistence
Not talking about something that was anxious or stressful
What is Exposure Therapy
"Facing Fears"
What is Psychosurgery
"Last Resort", Insert small camera into brain and a doctor scrapes away dead brain matter; used when ECT does not work (often does not work)
What is Active Listening
Paraphase, invite clarification, reflect feelings
What is harm reduction, to create change
What is Transference
Clent projecting dreams on analyst
What is Operant Conditioning
Rewards and Punishments
What is Psychopharmacology
"Psych" Meds
What is the most coomon therapeutic group or orginization in the USA
Alcoholics Anonymous
What is a result of genes or medications
What is an unconscious conflict
What is Aversive Therapy
Change behavior by associating it with a negative experience
What is a Psychiatrist
Physician who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health and emotional problems
What is Clinical Expertise
Treat who you are degreed to treat