Characters | Major Themes | Symbolism | Plot | Authors |
Who is Offred?
A fertile woman who belongs to Commander Fred.
What is Oedipus Rex?
Fate and Free Will/ Knowledge and Wisdom
What is a Vampire?
Selfishness and Exploitation.
What is The Catcher in the Rye?
"Not" the life story of a teenage boy who gets kicked out of his 4th school and ends up in a mental hospital.
Who is Henrik Ibsen?
Several of his works were considered "scandolous" in his era of strict family morals and propriety. His plays were written in Danish and then translated.
Who is Holden Caulfield?
Some may say he is insane. Others may say he is just a teenager.
What is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead?
Incomprehensibility of the world
What is light?
Hope and Enlightenment
What is The Handmaids Tale?
A woman is captured and forced to have kids in a totalitarian government. Constant flash backs emphasize the cruel treatment of woman under the regime.
Who is J.D. Salinger?
His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in one of his most famous characters made one of his books widely popular and extremely controversial.
Who is Vladimir?
Nicknamed "Didi" by his friend.
What is The Awakening?
Femininity/Social Class/Identity
What is Autumn?
Harvest or death
What is Hamlet?
A boy tries to avenge his father's death and pretends to be insane. Eventually he does avenge his father but, he dies and so does his girlfriend.
Who is Sophocles?
One of three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived.
Who is Claudius?
Killed his brother and married his sister-in-law
What is The Great Gatsby?
The American Dream/Love
What is the color white?
What is The Bluest Eye?
After her family home is almost burned down, a young girl is taken in by a family and begins to love "whiteness". Eventually she moves back in with her broken family and is constantly reminded that she is "ugly".
Who is Eugene O'Neill?
An Irish American playwright. His plays were known to be poetically titled and also first to include speeches in American vernacular.
Who is Adele Ratignolle?
Complete opposite of her close friend. Perfect example of what a woman "should" be. Centers her life around domestic duties.
What is A Doll's House?
What is the number three?
The Holy Trinity
What is A Doll's House?
A housewife realizes late in her marriage she is nothing more than another trophy to her husband who only cared about social image and appearance. An outburst of her husbands about a blackmail letter opens up her eyes to see that she was wasting her life
Who is Kate Chopin?
She is now considered to have been a forerunner of the feminist authors of the 20th century. Most of her work is based off of sensitive, yet intelligent women.