Economic and Development Cities and Urban Land Use Random
What are the 5 economic sectors
Primary , Secondary, tertiary, quaternary, quinary
What does the central place theory model show
The city layout around the CBD.
What did Malthus believe would happen to the world
Our population would grow to much and we would run out of food.
Where can footloose Industries be placed and work out of
Anywhere , they are only call centers and can be found anywhere
What is the Gravity Model
Estimate of the amount of interaction between 2 cities based on mass and distance.
How do you define distance decay
When distance plays a role in obstructing interaction between two locations
Why was containerized shipping such an important part in the Industrial revolution
It sped up the process of trading and created an entire new system for maritime trade.
What are examples of small range goods.
Coffee, Fast food.
Why does Southern India have such a high education rate.
There are low amounts of people and more schools to provide education.
Where are Maquiladoras speacially located.
They are located in Mexico
What are examples of long range goods.
Apple products, expensive products, furniture.
Why does Northern India have a high HIV/AIDS rate.
Women have no rights and the men will force them for multiple sons.
Give the categories in which Wallerstein based his World System theory on.
Political power, Social standing, Economic and technological development.
What is the Rank Size Rule
There should be a larger amount of small cities than bigger cities
What is the main crop in America?
Corn or wheat.

AP Human Geography

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