Civil Liberties | Civil Rights | The Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Hodgepodge |
What is Civil Liberties
These are individual freedoms the government can not take away.
What is Affirmative Action
A policy designed to give special advantages to previously disadvantaged groups
What is 35 yrs old, natural born citizen and have lived in the U.S. 14 years.
What are the three qualifications to be president
What is two and six years
What are the term lengths for the House and Senate
What is Interest Group, committees and bureaucracy
What does an Iron Triangle made up of?
What is Symbolic Speech
Non verbal communication that is protected by the 1st amendment
What is 19th amendment
This gave women the right to vote
What is limits the President to two terms
What is the 22nd amendment
What is representation mirrors physical attributes and representation of the issues.
What are the definitions of descriptive representation and substantive representation
What is a continuing resolution
When Congress can not reach an agreement on a new budget they may pass __________ instead
What is clear and present danger
Government can limit speech if it provokes a ________________________
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964
This ended discrimination in hotels, restaurants, etc.
What is President is elected by the electoral college and prime minister is elected from the majority party in parliament
How is a president and prime minister different in how they are elected
What is Advertising, Credit Claiming (Case work and pork barrel), position taking, weak opponents and campaign spending
What are at least two advantages to being an incumbent
What is the Constitution, Laws of the Fed, and Treaties
These three things make up the supremacy clause
What is good faith exception
What is the exception to the exclusionary rule
What is the 24th amendment?
This amendment prohibited poll taxes
What is Congress
Who is responsible for creating new executive cabinet departments
What is 60 votes for cloture
How do you end a filibuster in the Senate
What is McCulloch v. Maryland
This court case solidified that the federal government has certain implied powers
What is libel
This is false and malicious written words
What is Lemon V. Kurtzman
This court case established that aid to churches must have a secular legislative purpose and can't inhibit or support religion.
What is white house staff
Who works for the president and sees him on a daily basis
What is speaker of the house
What is a Congressional leadership position mandated by the U.S. Constitution
What is commander in chief, negotiates treaties, appoints ambassadors, deploys troops and is chief diplomat
Name at least two foreign powers of the president