Appellants and Petitioners Appellees and Respondents Clauses in Question Effects Quotes
Who is Charles Schenck
This person was convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917 by publishing anti-draft pamphlets.
Who is James Madison
This person was the fourth president of the United States.
What is Schenck v. US
This case explored limitations on the Free Speech Clause when the speech creates a clear and present danger.
What is Brown v. Board of Education
This case led to progress in the legal protection of civil rights and especially desegregation.
What is Gideon v. Wainright
“The right of one charged with crime to counsel may not be deemed fundamental and essential to fair trials in some countries, but it is in ours.”
Who is Mary Beth Tinker
This person was part of a group of students who decided to wear armbands in school in protest of the Vietnam War.
What is Chicago
This city wanted to put restrictions on the right to bear arms.
What is Wisconsin v. Yoder
This case reinforced protection of the Free Exercise Clause from state legislation.
What is McCulloch v. Maryland
This case determined that federal law had supremacy over state laws and that states could not interfere with federal powers.
What is New York Times v. US
“Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government...”
Who is Ruth Shaw
This person was one of five North Carolina residents concerned about the constitutionality of the 12th District.
What is the Federal Election Committee
This organization was created to protect elections against corruption.
What is Marbury v. Madison
This case affirmed that the Supremacy Clause denies Congress the ability to pass unconstitutional legislation.
What is Gideon v. Wainright
This case established that all defendants have a right to legal counsel at both state and federal levels.
What is Brown v. Board of Education
“We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place.”
Who is Clarence Earl Gideon
This person was charged with breaking and entering but could not afford a lawyer for his defense and was denied one by the state of Florida.
What is Maryland
This state wanted to put a tax on the National Bank.
What is McCulloch v. Maryland
This case established that the Necessary and Proper Clause allowed the federal government to override state legislation.
What is Shaw v. Reno
This case called for careful oversight of apportionment in which race is a factor.
What is US v. Lopez
“The possession of a gun in a local school zone is in no sense an economic activity that might, through repetition elsewhere, substantially affect any sort of interstate commerce.”
What is Citizens United
This organization wanted to publish a movie critical of Hillary Clinton without restrictions imposed by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act.
Who is Alphonso Lopez
This person was arrested for carrying a gun into his high school.
What is Brown v. Board of Education
This case strengthened the enforcement of the Equal Protection Clause.
What is McDonald v. Chicago
This case decided that the right to bear arms cannot be controlled by the states.
What is Tinker v. Des Moines
“It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”


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