Key Documents | Government Interactions | Political Parties | First Government | Political Socialization |
Brutus 1
Argued that federal power was bad and the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government.
The COVID-19 Mask Mandate
What is the current most controversial government mandate?
Are Liberals more aligned with the Democratic or Republican party?
Did not unite the Colonies, and didn't give the Federal Government enough power to do anything.
What was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
The process by which people gain political attitudes and opinions
Define political socialization
Federalist 51
Argued that the various powers of the government must be exercised separately and distinctly so that society has a guard to avoid oppression from its leaders.
Categorical-Formula, Project, and Block
What are the three types of government grants?
Which Party tends to have more pro-choice beliefs (in terms of abortion)?
A debt crisis among the citizenry and in opposition to the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades.
What was the main cause of Shay's Rebellion?
Sociological Factors and Psychological Factors
What are the two types of factors for political socialization?
To explain the Colonists' rights to revolution, and separate Britain from the newly formed America.
What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
The Full Faith and Credit Clause
States must recognize civil judgments rendered by courts in different states and accept their records and acts as valid. (Not valid with criminal decisions)
What type of Party is Green?
Proved that the Federal Government did not have enough to power to quell an uprising under the Articles of Confederation, so changes needed to be made.
How did Shay's Rebellion impact the U.S. Constitution?
Sociological Factor
What type of factor is somebody's ethnic background?
How many Amendments are in the U.S. Constitution?
Legal process where an alleged criminal is surrendered by one state to another state in which the crime had been committed
This Party tends to be made up of older, richer, white men.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
What was the most important success of the Articles of Confederation?
Psychological Factor
What type of factor is somebody's party identification?
The Sixth Amendment
Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights provides the right to a speedy and public trial?
Money granted to a state for a specific purpose, like school lunches or a new highway.
What is a Categorical-Formula Grant?
This Party is against gun control.
A law passed by Congress to deal with western lands that outlawed slavery in the region. It also provided a system for territories to become states.
What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
Selecting only members of "your party" for every single option on the ballot.
Define straight ticket voting