Key Terms Quotes 1817-1914 Rulers Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution
Who are the Huguenots
French Protestants who followed the teachings of John Calvin
Who is Vladmir Lenin
He promised "Peace, Land, and Bread" to gain popular support in Russia
Who is Otto Von Bismark
He unified Germany
Who is Joseph Stalin
He initiated the five year plans
Who is John Locke
Advocated for "Life, liberty, and property"
What is perestroika
The economic policy initiated by Gorbachev in the mid-1980s. "Restructuring the economy"
Who is Louis XIV
"I am the state"
What is the Dreyfus Affair
This event that occurred in France in 1906 raised the awareness of Anti-Semitism throughout Europe
Who is Victor Imanuel II
He was the first king after the unification of Italy
Who is Johanes Kepler
Created the Laws of planetary motion
What is appeasement
A policy of making concessions to an aggressor in the hopes of avoiding war. Played a main part in the inter-war periods.
What is realpolitik
"The politics of reality"
What is the dual monarchy
Austria's created this in 1867 to satisfy the magyars' demands for independence created this
Who is Louis XVI
The immediate king that preceded the French Revolution
What is the inductive method
The process of experimentation starting with direct observation that leads to further experiments and hypothesis that eventually conclude with a proven conclusion
What is the zollverein
A free trade union established among the major German states in 1834
Who is voltaire
Enlightenment thinker who said "Crush the infamous thing" in his advocation for religious toleration
What is the Reform Bill of 1867
Bill passed to extend the suffrage to most of Great Britain's urban workers in 1867
Who is Joseph II
He is the son of Maria Theresa
Who is Adam Smith
He contrasted with Colbert's mercantilist economy
What is a sphere of influence
A region dominated by, but not directly ruled by, a foreign nation
What is utilitarianism
"The greatest happiness for the greatest number"
Who are the red shirts
Garibaldi's small but zealous force that played a large role the unification fo Italy
Who is James I
Succeeded Elizabeth in England
Who is Baron de Montesquieu
Wrote "The Spirit of the Laws" and introduced the idea of separation of powers and checks and balances within the government

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