Chemistry of Life | Cell Structure and Function | Energetics | Cell Cycle | Ends with -ase |
What is water?
The only substance that commonly exists on Earth in solid, liquid and gas form at the same time.
What is a phospholipid?
Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi body and cell membrane are all made of this molecule.
What is photosynthesis?
Process that removes carbon from the atmosphere and moves it into the biosphere.
What is asexual reproduction?
Desert whiptail lizards create offspring in this manner, creating clones of themselves.
What is Interphase?
The longest part of the cell cycle, where DNA replication occurs.
What are enzymes?
RNA and proteins that can lower the activation energy of chemical reactions.
What are adjacent cells?
Desmosomes, tight junctions and gap junctions all connect these.
What is respiration?
Has both aerobic and anaerobic components to this metabolic process.
What is a growth factor?
Binds to a receptor which activates transcription factors.
What is protein-kinase?
This type of receptor adds phosphates to proteins changing the activity of the enzyme.
What is a condensation reaction?
Chemical reaction that combines monomers into a polymer releasing water.
What is osmosis?
Movement of water from a hypotonic area to a hypertonic area.
What is the electron transport chain?
The only shared process of the both respiration and photosynthesis creating ATP.
What is the mitosis checkpoint?
This checkpoint makes sure that metaphase has moved chromosomes appropriately.
What is anaphase?
Sister chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite poles.
What are lipids?
Steroids have a backbone of this macromolecule.
What are passive transport processes?
Diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis.
What is increasing the surface area inside the organelle?
The advantage of cristae in mitochondria and thylakoids in chloroplasts.
What is cytokinesis?
New cell wall material forms to separate two new plant cells.
What is lactase?
The enzyme that breaks down milk sugar.
What is a phosphodiester bond?
The bond that forms between a 5' phosphate of one nucleotide and the 3' hydroxyl of the next nucleotide.
What is an inhibitor?
Prevents the normal ligand from binding to a receptor site.
What is reduction?
Addition of hydrogens, and electrons, to a molecule.
What are cyclins?
Proteins that activate or inactivate target proteins that regulate the cell cycle.
What is a base?
The nitrogen-containing part of a nucleotide.