Ranks | Activity Pins | Uniform Colors | Cub Scout Potporri | Boy Scouts |
What is Tiger
Second rank in Cub scouts
What is Camper
Activity Pin with a tent on it
What is Bear
What is Scout Oath
Starts with "On My Honor"
What is Eagle Scout
Highest Rank in Boy Scouts
What is Webelos 2
AOL was previously known as this
What is Scouting Adventure
Shows the Scout sign
What is Wolf
What is Scout Law
Has 12 points
What is Boy Scout Motto
Do a good turn daily
What is Webelos
The fifth rank in Cub Scouts
What is Building a Better World Activity Pin
Requires meeting with a government leader
What is Tiger
What is number of activity pins AOL must earn.
What is year BSA was founded
What are Lions
Kindergarten aged Cub scouts
What is Aquanaut Activity Pin
Requires demonstrating two strokes
What is Lions
Doesn't have neckerchief
What is Cub Scout Slogan
Do your best!
What is founder of Scouting
Baden Powell
What is the first rank in Boy Scouts
What is Castaway Activity Pin
Requires lighting a fire without matches
What is Webelos
What is year Cub scouts is founded
Where was the first scout camp held
Brown Sea Island