Facts About Anxiety | More Facts About Anxiety | Facts About Stress | Identifying & Coping with Stress | Managing Anxiety & Stress |
What is TRUE
Anxiety can be genetic.
What is TRUE
Anxiety can keep you safe.
What is FALSE
All stress is always bad.
If you are able to identify your own stressors, it’s easier to find ways to handle stress in a healthy way.
Why is identifying your stressors important?
List a social support.
Each person on the team provide an answer.
Even when your social support cannot solve a problem, just talking can sometimes be enough.
When we talk about our problems, hormones are released inside our brains that ease the undesirable symptoms of stress. |
What is FALSE
Anxiety & depression are NOT linked.
What is FALSE
Exercising does NOT help with managing anxiety.
What is FALSE
Stress is the same for everyone.
Each person on the team provide an answer.
What are some of your current stressors?
List two ways that you have successfully handled unpleasant emotions in the past.
Stress can trigger many emotions such as anxiety, self-doubt, and anger. When these feelings
are ignored, they can exacerbate the original stressor. Remember, emotional management isn’t about eliminating emotions—it’s about dealing with them in a healthy way. |
What is FALSE
Anxiety is only in your head. It can NOT cause physical symptoms.
What is TRUE
Anxiety is a normal and appropriate response to tragic & stressful events.
What is TRUE
Just because a person does not show signs or symptoms of stress does not mean they aren’t stressed.
What is unhealthy coping skills when dealing with stress
Smoking/vaping, drinking alcohol, using drugs, poor diet, etc.
List an area in your life that you devote little attention to and an area where you devote a lot of attention to. Are there any areas where you would like to devote more attention?
Stress can be especially destructive if your life is heavily focused on one area. For example, a
person who is only focused on a relationship will struggle if their relationship becomes rocky. |
What is TRUE
Anxiety often begins in childhood.
What is FALSE
Men are twice as likely as women to develop and anxiety disorder.
What is FALSE
Only major stress symptoms require attention.
What is healthy coping skills when dealing with stress
Deep breathing, meditation, exercise, journaling, positive relationships, etc.
List any basic needs that you tend to neglect during periods of high stress.
During periods of high stress, many people take shortcuts when it comes to their basic needs.
Examples include sleep, a healthy diet, exercise, and other forms of self-care. When basic needs are neglected, health and mental well-being deteriorate, which contributes to additional stress. |
What is FALSE
Anxiety does NOT effect your physical health.
What is TRUE
Anxiety can cause memory problems.
What is TRUE
Stress can be avoided or managed in many circumstances.
Each person on the team provide an answer.
What are some ways you cope with stress?
Each person on the team provide an answer.
What did you learn about managing your stress/anxiety?