History | Safety | stuff? | Languege | The process |
Who started the Germantown Charity
veterans returning from WW2
What should you always wear
What are Painted Ponies
fiber glass horses made by local artists in Germantown
What is balk
when a horse refuses to move
What is the first step
practicing at your home or trainers
The first show started in
Why should you always wear a helmet
because horses spook
What is Champ
The Charity's own special Painted Ponie
What is bolting
when a horse suddenly runs away
What is step two
practicing at the show grounds
the show has been around for_____years
What could happen if you don't
die or get horribly injured
Where is champ located
In the middle of the Charity
What is colic
the displacement or intestinal blockage of the horse
What is step three
you practice and learn your courses
What started the Charity
10 evening classes
What is bucking
when a horse forcefully throws its butt in the air to get you off
Where is Flower Power located
Outside of the bowl
What is a gait
the ways a horses legs move
What is step four
go into the ring
What month is the Charity held in
What is spooking
when a horse acts out after being scared
What is the bowl
It's the jumper show ring
What is Laminitis
the inflammation of the laminae in the hoof or hooves
What is step five
listen for your ribbons and prizes