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What is analysis cycle?
Phase 3 of the Concept Attainment Model displaying examples and non-examples in the most effective for helping students elaborate the concept and practice their critical thinking skills.
What is characteristics.
They are the features within the examples and non-examples of the Concept Attainment Model.
What is scientific method?
A pattern of thinking that emphasizes asking questions, developing hypotheses to answer the questions, and testing the hypotheses with data.
What is concept mapping?
A strategy that helps learners construct visual relationships among concepts.
What is concepts?
A category, a set, or class with common characteristics.
What is self-regulation?
An individual's conscious use of mental strategies designed to improve thinking and learning.
What is critical thinking?
The ability and inclination to make and assess conclusions based on evidence.
What is exemplars?
An ideal examples.
What is prototype?
A first or early example that is used as a model for what comes later.
What is extrinsic motivation?
Motivation that comes from outside an individual such as good grades, money, prizes, and stickers.
What is hypothesis?
A tentative answer to a question or a solution to a problem that can be supported or refuted with data.
What is intrinsic motivation?
Inner motivation or internal motivation from inside of us.
What is metacognition?
A student's awareness of an control over their mental processes.