Characters | Who Said It? | Greek Theatre | Creon | Antigone |
Who is Oedipus?
Name of the guy who married his mother and killed his father
Who is Antigone?
"I know I must die, even without your decree: I am only mortal"
Who is Dionysus?
The Greek god of wine and fertility that Greek plays honored
What is Eteocles should be buried and Polyneices should not?
Creon makes this decree regarding the two brothers.
Who is Polyneices?
The brother that Antigone chooses to bury
Who are Ismene and Antigone?
Oedipus' daughters
Who is Ismene?
"The law is strong, we must give in to the law... I must yield to those in authority"
What is three?
The number of actors in a Greek play
What is death?
The punishment for defying Creon's decree
What is she is following the gods' laws, which are more important than man's, family is important, following your heart is more important than following the law?
The reason Antigone gives for disobeying Creon's decree
Who is Creon?
Antigone's uncle
Who is Tiresias?
"The time is not far off when you shall pay back corpse for corpse, flesh of your own flesh"
Who is Sophocles?
The author of Antigone
Who is Eurydice, and by killing herself?
The name of Creon's wife and how she dies.
Who is Oedipus (her father)?
The person who Antigone ultimately blames for her troubles
Who is Eteocles?
The name of the brother who was buried with honor
Who is Creon?
"Anarchy! Show me a greater crime in all the earth!"
What is giving advice to characters, serving as the voice and conscience of society, giving backstory, expressing the author's point of view, and establishing mood?
Name one function of the chorus in Greek theatre
What is he came against the city in treason?
The reason Creon gives for why Polyneices should not be buried
What is hanging herself?
The way that Antigone dies
Who is Tiresias?
The name of the soothsayer who warns Creon of what is to come
Who is the Chorus?
"Big words are always punished, and proud men in old age learn to be wise"
What is offstage?
Where did deaths occur during a performance of a Greek play?
What is his family?
Tiresias warns Creon that he will lose this because of his decree
What is she is taking the blame for the punishment, but didn't help bury him?
The reason Antigone is angry with Ismene after Creon finds out about the burial of the brother