easy | medium | hard |
do you report a bully to a adult
what did the word bully use to mean
the total opposite of what it means know
it meant friend ,family , member , and sweetheart |
What is physical bullying
hitting ,kicking ,pushing, stealing ,hiding ,or ruining someone else things
the golden rule
treat way you want to be treated
what are some reason bullies bully
doesn't fit in
good grades clothes minority physically weak emotional over weight facial appearance |
What is verbal bullying
name calling ,teasing ,insulting ,threats
two types of bullying
direct indirect
What is one way to avoid a bully
hang out with friend don't act scared
bullying you decide
when john walks in the hallway to his class, Chris repeatedly knocks his books out of his hand everyday. Is that Bullying
true or false do you let the bullies kick you and hit you
free points
free points
does bullying have to be apart of your life
have you been a bully or seen someone being bullied? where was it? girl or a boy?
there is no right or wrong answer
free points
free points
true or false do bullies bully for a reason