The Stresses of the Non-Stress Test Biophysically Speaking . . . Is our baby really ok? The Doppler Effect Potpourri
What is 10 beats?
At less than 32 weeks, a reactive tracing is defined as 2 accelerations at least this many beats above baseline
What are the AFI, NST, breathing, movement, and tone?
These are the 5 components of the biophysical profile.
What is over 50%?
A contraction stress test is positive is you have late decelerations with this percentage of contractions?
What is intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR) ?
Per ACOG and SMFM, this is the one indication for the use of umbilical artery doppler velocimetry as a part of antepartum fetal surveillance.
What is the non-stress test AND the amniotic fluid index?
These are the components of a modified biophysical profile.
What is variability ?
This component of a fetal heart rate tracing is an indication of fetal oxygenation status/ oxygenation reserve.
What is greater than 30 seconds ?
In order to get points for fetal breathing, a sonographer/sonologist must see one episode of fetal breathing for this long throughout the entirety of the biophysical profile.
What is 75-90%?
This is the false positive rate of a non-reactive non-stress test as a test for fetal reassurance.
What is the ductus venosus ?
This vessel, connecting the umbilical vein to the portal portion of the inferior vena cava, should always have forward flow within it. If not, your baby's got a problem.
What is the contraction stress test (~30-40%) ?
This test for antepartum fetal surveillance has the lowest false positive rate.
What are variable decelerations ?
These types of decelerations may be observed in up to 50% of all non-stress tests.
What is the 1F state ?
This is the fetal stage of quiet sleep.
What is twice weekly non-stress tests ?
This is the type AND frequency of antenatal surveillance for someone greater than 40 weeks gestation.
What is the peak systolic velocity ?
In pregnancies impacted by fetal anemia, this value is measured in the middle cerebral artery.
What is vibro-acoustic stimulation ?
If a tracing is non-reactive, this may be used before considering moving toward ordering a biophysical profile.
What is 32-34 weeks ?
Type 1 diabetes, chronic hypertensives and those with lupus should begin twice weekly non-stress tests at this gestational age.
What is repeat the biophysical profile in 6 hours all the while leaving on continuous monitoring?
This is what should be done in a patient with a biophysical profile of 6/10 at 34 weeks gestation who presented for decreased fetal movement, non-reactive NST.
What is brain sparing ?
This is the phenomenon in which blood is shunted to to vital organs when growth restriction is becoming worse and worse.
What is delivery ?
This should be done if a patient presents to OB Triage at 37 weeks with a fetus in the 3rd percentile for estimated fetal weight with intermittent absent end diastolic flow.
What is the amniotic fluid index ?
This component of the biophysical profile, if abnormal, is an indication of chronic compromise to the utero-placental unit.
What are late decelerations?
These occur due to perceived fetal hypoxemia at the level of arterial chemoreceptors, leading to alpha adrenergic activation and subsequent vagal compensation.
What is 200-600/1000 ?
A biophysical profile score is 0/8 corresponds to a fetal death rate of this within 1 week.
What is greater than or equal to 40,000 ?
In doing an amniocentesis for quantification of fetal lung maturity, the lamellar body count should be greater than this in order to be considered mature.
What are the uterine arteries ?
Notching of these vessels have been said to be seen possibly in those women who suffer from severe gestational hypertension/ pre-eclampsia.
What is 10-15 % ?
This is the risk of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in mono-chorionic/ di-amniotic twin gestations?


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