Creation | Corruption | Catastrophe | Confusion | Surprise Me |
Who is God?
In the beginning, _______ created the heavens and the earth.
Who is the serpent, or Satan?
He tempted Eve to eat the fruit that God told them not to eat.
Who is Noah?
God told this man to build an ark.
What is the heavens.
When the people were building the Tower of Babel, this is how high they wanted the tower to reach.
What is the Bible?
This is God's Word.
Who are Adam and Eve?
These were the first 2 humans that God created.
What is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
God commanded Adam not to eat of this tree.
What is three?
This is the number of decks the ark had.
What is language confusion?
This is why the people scattered all over the earth.
What is omnipotence?
This is the attribute of God that states that He is all-powerful.
What is the fourth day?
God created the sun, moon and stars on this day.
Who is Eve?
She is the mother of all living; named by Adam.
What is gopher wood?
This is the wood that God instructed Noah to use when building the ark.
What is Babel?
This is the place where The Lord confused the language of the people to scatter them.
What is a mantle?
Elijah left this for Elisha when he was taken up into Heaven.
What is the fifth day?
God created the birds of the air and the fish of the sea on this day.
What are cherubim (or angels)?
God placed these at the entrance of the Garden of Eden to guard it.
What is 8?
This is the number of people that entered the ark.
What is brick and asphalt?
These are the building materials that the people were using to build their tower.
Who are Jonah and Nahum?
These are the two prophets that were sent to Nineveh.
Who are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
These Persons of the Trinity were present at Creation.
What are some effects of the fall?
Thorns, enmity between the woman's and the serpent, death, pain in childbirth
What is a rainbow?
This is a sign of God's promise that He will never flood the earth again.
What is Shinar?
This is the land area where the tower was being built.
Who is Elijah?
This is the prophet that encountered the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel.