Math | Science facts | Filling in the blank | finishing these sentences |
Answer is 6, 4+2=6
If 2+2=4, then what can 4+2=?
Answer is force
If force can equal work, what can work equal?
Answer is a ROACH, I would expect you to scream out loud and say there is a roach on the walls but walk out of the class room not to loud and walking
If there was a BLANK climbing on the walls, how would I expect you to walk out of the classroom?
What was the rest I was forgetting?
Jack and Jill went up the hill to....Think about the rest I forgot
Answer is 2.. Because nothing can be added by 0
If 2+0=2, then what can 0+2=
What is a SCREW
Name a simple machine that can go in a door
The answer is JILL and HILL
If jack and blank went up the blank to fetch a pail of water
Bite you
If you think my dog angel was gonna....,think about the rest I forgot
Answer is 8.. It is just subtracted by 8
If 8+8=16,then what does 16-8=
Answer is its slime, its slime is slithery and can slither on anything
If a worm has no legs, how does it get from one place to another?
Answer is MA-LA
If my students are named MIA,CAMERON,BLANK AND SEQUOIA,whos name did I forget?
The answer is 6, It is just subtracted by 8
If 6+2=8, then what does 8-2=
Answer is BEAR
If me and BLANK saw that fox last night, who was it that was with me to see that red fox?
The answer is 200. It is like 1+1 but just adding two zeros
What does 100+100=
If BLANK,WILLIAM,AND BLANK came on Saturday at 8:00 a.m., whos name was I forgetting?