General Characteristics | Group Characteristics | Polychaete characteristics | Oligochaeta Characteristics | Hirudinea Characteristics |
What is the outer integument?
respiratory system composed of
What is Polychaeta?
have many bristles
What is gonochoristic?
type of reproduction
What is the clitellum?
secretes cocoon for embryos
What is zero?
number of body septa
What are septa?
divide body segments
What is Oligochaeta?
have few bristles
What are parapodia?
flattened outgrowths of body wall
What is zero?
the number of parapodia
What are the anterior and posterior suckers?
use these for locomotion
What is closed?
type of circulatory system
What is Oligochaeta?
hermaphroditic group
What is one pair?
minimum number of tentacles
What is zero?
minimum number of tentacles
What is 25%?
%age that are carnivorous
What is the typhlosole?
increased surface area in intestine
What is an epitoke?
sexually mature individual capable of swimming and reproducing
What are mobile (errant) species?
use parapodia to crawl or swim; usually carnivorous
What is the crop?
extension of esophagus for storage
What is no known method?
method of asexual reproduction
What is metamerism?
Body segments in which organs repeat per segment.
What is an atoke?
mature worm that does not reproduce, but produces those that do
What are burrowing species?
parapodia absent, reduced, or modified; suspension or deposit feeders
What is the gizzard?
used for grinding food
What is secrete anticoagulant and anaesthetic?
way for parasitic species to continue feeding on same host