Definitions | Population | They are... | Give Me an Example | Why and How? |
What do you call it when an animal matches the background of its surrounding?
What do you call the same type of living thing that compete for resources in an ecosystem?
Dinosaurs are no longer living. They are...
dodo, dinosaurs, woolly mammoth, saber tooth cat, golden toad
An extinct animal
warmer weather, find food, have babies
Why do animals migrate during certain times of the year?
What do you call a community of living things and the community's physical environment?
scarcity or endangered
Give me another word that is similar to under-population.
There are not a lot of rhinos left. They are...
geese, crabs, whales, butterflies, bats
An animal that migrates
Endangered means there are not a lot of a certain animal alive. Extinct means there are no more alive.
How are endangered and extinct different?
What do you call an animals' body part or behavior that helps a living thing survive?
There are too many birds in an area. The worms become extinct. Are the birds an example of over-population or under-population?
Hedgehogs sleep all winter. They are...
zebra- stripes bear- claws wolf- sharp teeth elephants- trunk fish- fins/gills hedgehog- quills
A physical adaptation
poaching, people destroy their habitats, disease
Why are some animals endangered/extinct?
What do you call it when people hunt when they are not allowed to?
The are bears in the forest. They can't find fish to eat. Are the fish an example of over-population or under-population?
Salmon swim to fresh water. They are...
bear, hedgehog, squirrel, skunks, chipmunk, groundhog
An animal that hibernates
eats a lot, slows down its heartbeat and breathing
How does an animal hibernate? How does it prepare?
What do you call a learned behavior?
Populations of organisms living in an environment are called a what?
Fruit bats fly to warmer areas. They are...
migration or hibernation
A behavioral adaptation
avoid cold weather and food scarcity
Why do animals hibernate during certain times of the year?