Invertebrates | Vocabulary | Arthropods | Vertebrates | Classifying animals |
a sponge
What is an animal that an animal that lives its life attached to a rock and is only considered an animal because it traps its food as an animal does?
A parasite
What is an animal that lives inside of another organism called?
Arthropods with three body segments and three pairs of legs are known as what?
What are vertebrates with hair on their body called?
salamanders, frogs, and toads
What are the three types of amphibians?
an arthropod
What is an animal with an outer skeleton and appendages that bend called?
a part that extends from the body, such as an arm claw or leg
What is an appendage?
Arthropods with two body segments and five pairs of legs are known as what?
***$800***What are sponges, mollusks, and earthworms examples of?
earth worm
What kind of worm has a crop and a gizzard and a segmented body?
a tape worm
What is a ribbon-like flatworm that can't digest food?
a host
What is an animal that supports a parasite called?
Outer Skelton, Jointed appendages, Body Segments
What are the three characteristics of arthropods?
an animal with a backbone
What is a vertebrate?
What kind of worm has a head and an anus and can digest its food?
because it traps its food as an animal does
Why is a sponge considered an animal if it doesn't move?
Animal cells are ___________________, they do special jobs.
A mollusk has a soft body and an arthropod has an outer skeleton and appendages that bend.
If you found an animal with a hard outer covering, how would you decide if it was a mollusk or an arthropod?
Hair Live young Milk
What are three characteristics of mammals?
Classifying the types of invertebrates
Look at the tree map. What is it used for?
an animal that lives its life attached to a rock
What is a sponge?
They have different jobs
Why are the cells of animals different shapes and sizes?
Answers vary
Compare and contrast two classes of arthropods.
to fly long distances each year to reach warm areas
What does migrate mean?
Classifying the types of vertebrates
Look at the tree map. What is it used for?