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What is a heterotroph
An organism that must eat to get it's food
What is dorsal
A term used to describe the back or upper side of an organism
What is insects
What is the most successful class of arthropods?
What is gill slits
All Chordates have a dorsal nerve chord, notochord and which other characteristic?
What is Osteichthyes
Which class of chordates contain an operculum?
What is a complete digestive system
The term used to describe a digestive system that has both a mouth and an anus
What is cephalization
A concentration of nerve tissue and receptors at the anterior end of the animal’s body.
What is Platyhelminthes
Which phyla do we first see 3 germ layers?
What is Agnatha
What subphylum contain the jawless fish?
What is Reptilia
What class of Chordates do we first see eggs in which the embryo is surrounded by a fluid filled sac-an amnion
What is radial symmetry
What type of symmetry is division into equal halves by passing a plane through the central axis of the animal in any direction
What is coelom
Is a fluid filled cavity surrounded by the mesoderm
What is Annelida
Which phyla do we see a simple circulatory system?
What is Gnathostomes
What subphylum contain the jawed fish?
What is Aves
What class of chordates are the first to contain a 4 chambered heart?
What is bilateral symmetry
What type of symmetry is division into equal halves only along a single plane. Each half is a mirror image of the other
What is porifera
This phyla is asymmetric, has 2 germ layers and lacks a body cavity.
What is Nematoda
What is the first phyla to have a body cavity? (it does not possess a true body cavity)
What is Chondrichthyes
What class of Gnathostomes is made of cartilage, has a 2 chambered heart, and must move to breathe?
What is mammalia
What class of chordates have internal fertilization and development, and have the largest surface area in the lungs?
What is asymmetric
A sponge possessed displays which type of symmetry?
What is arthropoda
This phyla has a hard exoskeleton and jointed appentages
What is Mollusca
What phyla of invertebrates do humans eat most?
What is Amphibia
What is the first class of chordates to contain a 3 chambered heart?
What is Chordates
All of the vertebrates are in which phylum of Animalia?