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How many legs does a spider have?
True or false: owls are nocturnal
A kid
What's a baby goat called?
A cub
What is a baby lion called?
The cheetah-it can reach speeds of up to 120 km/h!
What's the fastest animal in the world?
What colour jellyfish DOES NOT sting?
What is the only continent on earth where giraffes live in the wild?
True or false: tigers are close to extinction
What of the name of the phobia (fear) that involves spiders?
False: cougars are carnivores!
True or false: cougars are herbivores
False: they can!
True or false: dogs can't hear high-pitched sounds.
A spine
What's one thing worms don't have that other animals do?
How many pairs of wings does a bee have?
The giraffe, whose average height is around 6 metres (20 feet)!
What's the tallest animal in the world?
The blue whale
What is the largest animal on the planet?