Name the Animal | Animal Survival | Animal Habitat | Animal Care |
A Snake
This animal does not have arms or legs
Food and water
What animals need to survive
In the Ocean/River/Lake
Where fish live
Food, water and oxygen
What all animals need to survive
A Cow
This animal makes dairy food
The type of food herbivores eat
The Arctic
Where Polar Bears live
What do pets require, specifically dogs
This animal is "Man's best friend"
They make special noises
How monkeys known they are in danger because of other animals
The part of the world where most lions live
Once a week
How often do you need to feed a fully grown snake
This animal hops to move around
They bark
How do dogs advise their owners about things they need
Fresh water
In what environment do Alligators live in
A Veterinarian
A doctor that takes care of animals
This animal is dangerous and bites
Plants and other animals
The type of food Omnivores eat
Salt Water/Swamps
In what environment do Crocodiles live in
Once or twice a day
How often should you walk your dog