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When was the peak of the Roman Empire?
117 AD
Who was Charlemagne?
I was the first Holy Roman Emperor
What is Byzantium?
The eastern side of the Roman Empire
What is the Renaissance?
The period of re-discovery of classical art and literature
What are the Crusades?
The series of conflicts that introduced Islamic ideas about science and the arts to Europe
When did Emperor Constantine die?
337 AD
Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?
I was a painter, sculptor, scientist, engineer and inventor
What are the Crusades?
The series of military campaigns in the struggle for the Holy Land
What is the Scientific Revolution?
The period that marked advances in technology, astronomy, physics, biology and medicines.
What are Sultans?
The title for the rulers of the Ottoman Empire
When did the Prophet Muhammad die?
632 AD
Who was Emperor Diocletian?
I was the emperor who spilt the Roman Empire into east and west
What is the Silk Road?
The vital trade route between eastern and western Europe
What was the Enlightenment?
The period that focused on reason rather than religion, and the development of society, government and human advancement
What is Valhalla?
The afterlife for a warrior according to Norse (Viking) mythology
When was the final Crusade?
1291 AD
Who was Leif Erison?
I was the first European explorer to land on North America
What is the Black Death?
The deadly plague that spread through trade and contact across Europe, Asia and Africa
What is Humanism?
The way of thinking that places emphasis on human actions, reason and logic
What is Feudalism (or the Feudal System)?
The organisation of medieval Europe from King to peasant
When was the end of the Byzantine Empire?
1453 AD
Who was Suleiman the Magnificent?
I ruled the Ottoman Empire
What are Spain, Portugal, Britain, The Netherlands and France?
The five key nations who lead the voyages of discovery
Who are Nicolas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei?
The scholars who asserted that the Earth revolved around the sun
What is the Reformation?
The movement which divided European Christians into Protestants and Catholics