Mesopotamia | Egypt | Persia & India | China | Hebrews, Phoenicians & Carthage |
With the invention of writing.
When did history begin?
What is Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt?
What are the two parts of Ancient Egypt?
Who was Zarathustra?
Who was the founder of the Zoroastrian religion?
What is the Yellow River (Huang He) ?
On what river was the first Chinese civilization established?
What is 'Judaism?'
This religion, descended from the ancient Hebrews, is a form of Monotheism.
What is Cunieform?
What is the name of the Sumerian system of writing?
Who was Pharaoh Menes?
Who was the Pharaoh that united the two parts of Ancient Egypt for the first time?
Who was Cyrus the Great?
Who was the founder of the Persian Empire?
What is 'The Mandate of Heaven?"
What is the idea that the Emperor rules by the will of Heaven and Nature, known as?
Who were the 'Phoenicians?'
What ancient civilization invented the Alphabet?
What are the 'Tigris' and 'Euphrates' rivers?
What two rivers enclose Mesopotamia?
What is the 'Nile' river?
What is the great river that runs through Egypt?
Who were the Indo-Aryans?
What ancient people from central Asia invaded India and destroyed the Harrapan civilization?
What is 'Taoism?'
This religion emphasizes the importance of Harmony between humans and nature.
What are, Timber and Dye? (Tinte y Madura)
What were the two most important products of ancient Phoenicia?
What is 'The Code of Hammurabi?'
What was the most important achievement of King Hammurabi?
What is the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom?
What are the three periods of time into which Egyptian history is divided?
What is 'Hinduism'
What religion from ancient and modern India, is a form of Polytheism?
Who was, 'Qin Shin Huang?' (Or, 'Shi Huang Di')
Who was the first Emperor of China?
What is Carthage?
What was the name of the ancient city that once had a HUGE circular harbor?
FALSE. The Assyrians were very warlike.
TRUE or FALSE: The Assyrians were happy and peaceful people.
What are, 'Hieroglyphics?'
What is the name of the ancient Egyptian system of writing?
What is 'Buddhism?'
What religion from ancient India, teaches that the key to ending suffering, is to end desires?
What is the 'Great Wall of China?'
What huge structure was built by the Chinese to protect China from invasion?
FALSE. The Phoenicians were expert * sailors. *
TRUE or FALSE: The Phoenicians were expert soldiers.