What is a peninsula
This is the kind of land Greece's mainland was.
What are stars
Ancient Greeks only had these to guide them while trading over seas.
What is rocky.
It was hard to farm in Ancient Greece because the land was like this.
What is a peninsula
This type of land is surrounded by water on 3 sides.
What are roads
Traveling by land was hard because these were unpaved.
What is a hand
This is the part of the body Greece was shaped like.
What are goods
Ancient Greeks built ships for, not speed, but for holding these.
What is water
This was very scarce when farming in Ancient Greece.
What is scarce
This means very little or there is a lack of.
What are mountains and seas
Farms and villages were separated by these.
What are mountains
Greece is a land of these.
What are merchants
Most goods were carried on ships owned by these.
What is wheat and barley
Some Ancient Greeks were able to grow these.
What is a colony
This is a settlement under control of a distant country.
What are 750 and 338 B.C.E.
Ancient Greece flourished between these two years.
What are seas
Greece is surrounded by these.
What are city-states, Greek colonies, and the Mediterranean region
The Ancient Greeks trade among these.
What is honey
Some Ancient Greeks kept bees to make this "sweetener".
What is an oracle
This is a holy person that Ancient Greeks would consult to see the future.
What are the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Ionian seas
These three bodies of water surrounded Greece.
What are the Mediterranean and Aegean seas
Greece contains many islands in these two bodies of water.
What is grain, timber, and metal
Olive oil and pottery were traded for these.
What are grapes and olives
Most farmers grew crops that needed less land such as these.
What is a hazard
Ancient Greeks faced many of these while trading. They are obstacles or dangerous things that stand in the way.
What are athletic games
The Ancient Greeks often participated in these.