Final Jeopardies | |
They added vowels as letters.
During the Dark Ages, the Greeks relearned how to write by adopting something from the Phoenicians. What did they add to their writing?
By earning enough money and buying their freedom
How could a slave legally escape from slavery in Ancient Greece?
(Answers vary)
List FIVE gods or goddesses and what they were in charge of. No partial credit.
By earning enough money and buying their freedom
How could a slave legally escape from slavery in Ancient Greece?
During the Dark Ages, Greece was victim to many invasions. A lot of the population moved to Israel, where they were called ___________. (The answer is not Ionians or Dorians)
Demeter, Hestia, and Hera
Who were the three daughters of Cronus?
What year did pottery begin in Greece?
About 550 B.C.E.
Demeter, Hestia, and Hera
Who were the three daughters of Cronus?
Law. So "economy" meant "rules/laws of a household"
The word "economy" originally comes from the Greek. "Eco-" comes from the Greek word "oikos," which means house, and "-nomy" originally meant _______.
Demeter, Hestia, and Hera
Who were the three daughters of Cronus?