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What is 3 dimension
The Greeks were the first to create this type of perspective using shading and foreshortening on a flat surface picture
Who was Socrates.
This famous Greek was sentenced to death for trying to corrupt the youth of Athens and for trying to introduce new gods.
What is democracy.
This form of government, still used today, focuses on giving the citizens of a society a say in its laws and political decisions.
Who is Eros.
The word 'erotic' comes from this Ancient Greek god of love and desire
What are the dark ages.
After the collapse of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, this period of time produced no written works.
What is youth and perfect proportion.
Greek painters and sculptors aimed at creating real-looking images and an ideal human form and this was their ideal form
Who was Philip of Macedonia
Father of Alexander the Great
Who was Solon.
This Ancient Greek brought about many social and economic reforms, including changes to the law code that relieved debt and land problems of the poor and abolished the practice of selling debtors into slavery
What is hydrothermal heating.
This type of energy that is used in in-floor heating in homes today gets its name from the Greek root words "water" and "heat".
What is the Bronze Age
This period of time pre-dated the dark ages, from 2900-1000 BCE
What is Doric
There were three main types of column styles in Greek architecture; Corinthian, ionic and
Who is Aristotle.
A student of Plato's academy that started his own school, called the Lyceum.
What is Sparta
This Ancient Greek state had an unusual government in which there were two kings that ruled equally
What is ostracism.
This act would exile a person and their family from Athens for a period of ten years.
What is the archaic period.
During this period of time, Greece expands and Athens becomes the largest and most influential city-state. 700-500 BCE
What is the Parthenon.
One of the most celebrated of all Greek buildings ever constructed
Who was cleisthenes
Created the council of 500 and divided Greece into 10 tribes
Who is Lycurgus
The political, social, and military systems of Sparta were attributed in antiquities to one great legislator
What are pants.
Wearing these during battle was seen to be "womanish"
What is the classical age
Greek culture and learning was at it's height during this period of time between 500 and 336 BCE
What is neo-classicism.
In architecture of the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a strong revival of Greek architecture and classical art.
Who was Heinrich Schliemann
He may have found the site of Troy, but because he tampered with the artifacts and tainted his discoveries, he was not believed or well respected by other archaeologists.
What is an archon.
Athens avoided tyranny for many years by having a written code of law and by appointing a special magistrate to solve problems between the aristocrats and common citizens. This magistrate was called
What is homosexuality.
Well some societies have abhorred, ridiculed, or even attacked this throughout history, it was actually quite a conspicuous part of Greek life.
What is the golden age of Athens.
Between 479 and 431 BCE. Trade flourished and the city grows prosperous