Ancient Egyptian Geography | The Old Kingdom | The Middle and New Kingdoms | Egyptian Achievements | Ancient Kush |
What was Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt?
These two regions made up what was known as Ancient Egypt.
Who is the Pharaoh?
This individual ruled Ancient Egypt as a god.
Who was Ahmose?
This person drove the Hyksos out of Egypt and declared themselves king.
What are animals?
In Egyptian art, these subjects were usually drawn realistically.
What is the Nile River?
The people of Kush developed along this river.
What are cataracts?
These protected against invasion, but made travel on the river difficult.
What is the afterlife?
Believed to be a happy place that was inhabited after death.
What is farming?
The most employed profession in Ancient Egypt.
What are sphinxes?
These imaginary creatures with the bodies of lions and the heads of other animals or humans lined the path leading to the entrance of both temples and pyramids.
Who was Piankhi?
One of Kush's most successful military leaders; he conquered Egypt in about 716 BC.
What foods did Ancient Egyptians eat?
Wheat, barley, fruits, vegetables, beef, lamb, fish, goose, and duck are all examples of....
What are the pyramids?
The building of these objects shows great engineering, and organizational skills.
Who was Queen Hatshepsut?
This individual increased trade, used the wealth that they earned from trade to support the arts and architecture.
What are temples?
The Egyptians believed that these structures were the homes of the gods, and would visit to worship, offer gifts, and ask for favors.
What are Kush's exports?
Gold, copper, stone, ebony, and ivory are all examples of these items.
Why was the Nile Delta well suited for settlement?
Its fertile land, abundant wildlife, and its proximity to the sea were great reasons for this statement.
Why was embalming important?
If a body was allowed to decay, the sprint would not be able to recognize it in the afterlife.
What are the rights of Ancient Egyptian women?
The right to own property, make contracts, and divorce.
What is the Rosetta Stone?
In addition to hieroglyphics, this artifact had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. Because the text in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek figured out what the hieroglyphics said.
What are cataracts?
A Kushite king would be grateful for this natural defense located on the Nile, to help keep his kingdom safe from Egypt.
Who is Menes, and how did he symbolize the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?
This pharaoh of the First Dynasty wore a double crown, to symbolize a significant achievement.
Who is Anubis?
This god weighed each dead person’s heart against the feather of truth. If they weighed the same amount, the person was allowed into the underworld.
What are scribes?
Other than priests and government officials, no one in Egypt was more honored.They worked for the government and for temples. Kept records and accounts for the state. They also wrote and copied religious and literary texts.
Who is King Tutankhamen, or King Tut?
Over the years, treasure hunters emptied many pharaohs’ tombs. At least one tomb, however, was not disturbed. In 1922 archaeologists found the tomb of this king untouched. This tomb was filled with treasures, including jewelry, robes, a burial mask, and i
Who were the Assyrians?
This group forced the Kushites out of Egypt ending the Kushite dynasty.