Shang Dynasty | Zhou Dynasty | The Silk Road |
What was 1046 B.C.?
This year contained the Battle of Muye and the fall of the Shang Dynasty.
What are China and Europe?
This country and continent were connected by the Silk Road in Ancient China.
What was the Silk Road?
This ancient trading route was around 4000 miles long.
What was 1766 B.C?
This was the year that the Shang Dynasty was created in Ancient China.
What is 37?
This was the estimated amount of rulers in the Zhou Dynasty.
What is the Ottoman Empire?
This ancient empire boycotted trading with the west, causing the Silk Road to shut down.
Who was King Nan?
This Ancient Chinese king was the last ruler of the Zhou Dynasty
When was 130 B.C?
When did the Silk Road open for trading?