What is the nervous system?
Body system to direct body activities by sending and receiving impulses.
What is the lymphatic system?
Fight infection & disease to protect the body.
What is the respiratory system?
System function to exchange gases in the body.
What is the urinary system?
System that filters the blood and eliminate metabolic waste from the body.
What is the endocrine system?
Secrete hormones to regulate body activities.
What is the sensory system?
Body system to receive stimuli to allow the body to react to changes.
What is the tonsil, spleen, or thymus?
Name one of the three tissue in the lymphatic system.
What is ventilation?
The process of breathing.
What is the nephron?
Tiny structure in the kidney where blood is filtered.
What is the pancreas?
Regulates blood sugar.
What is a stroke?
Loss of blood flow, and in turn oxygen, to the brain.
What is allergy?
The body's hypersensitive response to an outside substance that is otherwise harmless.
What is external respiration?
Exchange of gases between the lung and the blood.
What is the kidney?
The main filter of the body.
What are the adrenal glands?
Causes the "fight or flight" response in stress.
What is MS (Multiple Sclerosis)?
Progressive loss of muscle control that results from the destruction of the myelin sheath.
What is autoimmune disease?
The condition where the body turns against itself and mistakenly attacks normal cells.
What is internal respiration?
Exchange of gases between the tissue cell and the blood.
What is the bladder
A muscular sac in the pelvis that store the urine.
What are the thyroid glands?
Regulates body metabolism.
What is a stroke?
What are the lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels?
Two main parts of the lymphatic system.
What is when oxygen and carbon dioxide gases are exchanged?
What is humans respiration?
What are the kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra?
Four organs in the urinary system.
What is the Pituitary Gland
"Master Gland" that control regulates other glands.
What is interdependent?
Each system must work together to sustain life.