Cells | The Muscular System | The Nervous System | The Skeletal System | The Circulatory System |
What is a cell
What is the basic unit of living matter?
What is myology
The study of the structure, functions and diseases of the muscles is known as:
What is the brain
What is the largest mass of nerve tissue in the body?
What is bone
What is the hardest tissue of the body?
What is blood
The nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system is
What is cell membrane
What encloses the protoplasm, allowing soluble substances to enter and level the cell?
What are non-striated or smooth
Involuntary muscles, that function automatically are called:
What is a neuron or nerve cell
The primary structural unit of the nervous system is
What is os
The technical term for the bone is:
What are capillaries
Thin walled blood vessels that connect the smaller arteries to the veins are:
What are catabolism and anabolism
What are the two phases of metabolism?
What is abductor
The muscle that is located at the base of each digit and is used to separate the fingers
What is the fifth cranial nerve
Name the chief motor nerve of the face.
What is occipital
Which bone forms the lower back part of the cranium?
What is plasma
The fluid part of the blood in which the red and white blood cells and blood platelets flow is the
What is catabolism
The breaking down of large substances or molecules into smaller ones is:
What are zygomaticus major and minor
The muscles used to elevate the lip when laughing are:
What is auriculotemporal
The nerve that affects the external ear and skin above the temple, up to the top of the skull is
What is mandible
The largest and strongest bone of the face is:
What is common carotid arteries
The main source of blood supply to the head, face, and neck is the
What is metabolism
A complex chemical process whereby the body cells are nourished and supplied with the energy needed to carry on their many activities is:
What is sternocleidomastoideus
The neck muscle that lowers and rotates the head is
What are sensory or afferent, motor or efferent, and reflex nerves
Name the three types of nerves:
What is sphenoid
The bone that joins together all the bones if the cranium
What is the supra orbital artery
Internal carotid artery that supplies the forehead and upper eyelid is