Ramadan | 12th Imam (atf) - Basics | Angels | History | 12th Imam (atf) - Reappearance |
Who is Imam Ali (as)
This holy Imam was martyred in the month of Ramadan
What is Sha'baan
This is the month the Imam was born in
Who is Jibrail
He is the angel of revelation; he revealed the Quran to the Holy Prophet, amongst other things
Who were Imam Ali and Bibi Khadija
They were the first man and woman to accept Islam
What is the Holy Kaaba, between the black stone and maqaam e Ibrahim
The Imam will make his appearance here
What is the 23rd of Ramadan
In Shia tradition, this night within Ramadan is most likely to be be the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr)
What is Dua Iftitah
This dua was taught by the 12th Imam, and is one that we recite daily in Ramadan
Who is Mikail
He is the angel who provides nourishment to the bodies and souls. Often depicted as the archangel of mercy
What is Hira
This was the cave that the Holy Prophet was in when Jibrail first spoke to him
What is 313
According to ahadith, this number of sincere helpers will respond to the Imam's first call after dhuhur?
What is 1,000 months
According to tradition, the Holy Prophet has said that the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr) is more virtuous than this number of months
What is the Dhulfiqaar
This famous sword of Imam Ali (as) is now with the Imam
Who is Azrael (Malak al-Maut)
He is responsible for parting the soul from the body.
What are Surah al Baqara and Surah al Kawther
These are the longest and shortest surahs in the Holy Quran
What is 4
This is the number of representatives (na'ibs) the Imam had during Ghaybat e Sughra
What is the 96th chapter
Surah Alaq (The Clot), or Read!, the first surah revealed to the Holy Prophet (saww), is this chapter of the Holy Quran
What is Dua Tawassul
This dua was taught by the 12th Imam to Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi (A.R.), in which we invoke Allah’s help through the intercession of the Ma’sumeen
Who is Israfeel
This angel will blow the trumpet to signal the day of resurrection
Who was Sumayya
This was the first martyr in Islam
What is Kufa
This is where the Imam will establish his government
What is Surah al Baqara (The Cow)
This surah is the only one that mentions fasting in the Holy Quran
What is Masjid e Sahla
This is the location the Imam will establish his treasury
What is 3,000
This was the number of angels sent to assist the Muslims at Uhud
What is the Battle of Badr
This battle during the Holy Prophet's time took place during the month of Ramadan
What is 1,180 years old
Given that the Islamic year is 1435, our present Imam is this old