Cells | Plants | Systems of the body | Genetics | Ecology |
What is eukaryotic
A cell that has organization of its organelles
What is a seed
The structure created by sexual reproduction from which a new plant can grow
What is the cardiovascular system
This system moves the blood
What is peas
Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, experimented on this plant
What is herbivore
Organisms that eat only plants
What is the cell nucleus
The part of a cell that generally encases the genetic information
What is the root
The part of the plant that anchors it to the ground and takes up water and minerals
What is the skeletal system
This system provides support and protects the organs
What is organelles
The structures in our cells
What is carnivore
Organisms that eat meat
What is chlorophyll
The structures in plants that enable photosynthesis
What is the petal
The part of a flower that attracts animals to aid in polarization
What is the digestive system
This system processes food into energy
What is sexual reproduction
The creation of more genetic diversity is greatly enhanced by this process
What is omnivore
Organisms that eat both plants and meat
What is mitosis
The process by which cells divide and grow
What is grow taller
Plants exhibit this adaptation to gain more sunlight
What is the pulmonary system
This system oxygenates our blood
What is taxonomy
The branch of biology concerned with the classification of organisms
What is symbiotic
Organisms that are mutually helpful
What is meiosis
The process by which cells divide to create gametes
What is the anther
The name of the structure that holds the pollen
What is the endocrine system
This system regulates our hormones
What is species
The lowest rung on the ladder of classification
What is autotrophic
Organisms that make their own food